Find out who we are, why we are, and what we aim to do and bring to you.
What is Feeln on the 5th?

What is it all about?
What is it all about?

Dare to be an Artist - Shine with Us

We are calling for artists with substance, artists with heart and grit who bring truth and reality to their work. FEELn Festival and FEELn on the 5th are not about glamour, not about Hollywood's empty polish or the entertainment industry's shallow values. We stand outside that system because our people—*all* people—are starved for authenticity and truth.
The world deserves more than the superficial and the scripted. What’s needed is raw expression, the kind that cuts through the noise and reveals something real. We want musicians, painters, dancers, cooks, and speakers who have something to say from the depths of who they are, who can speak directly to people’s lives and experiences. We put in a lot of hard work to display people well and push them correctly to our audience.
If you create with unfiltered passion, if you embrace honesty over illusion, if you are here to make art that stands up against corrupt narratives, we invite you to join us. Share your truth, and together, we’ll show it to the world the best we can. You have a duty that many do not acknowledge to bring your unique value to this world and share it with others with or without financial gain. The gain you get is what you receive from others who do the same. We are looking for the brave and the real, the ones who know who they are and what they are here to do. We want to help. One love.

11 years ago on Dec 5th 2013 Nelson Mandela passed away. Our event will honor him and his granddaughter Ndileka Mandela will speak to the world at the FEELn on the 5th event.
We invite you to join us not only to enjoy the music, talent and culture that will be on display but to also honor the great man himself with us on this day.
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Get involved


Tre Goodrum
Co-Founder / Media Director

Jane Maria
International Cultural Ambassador

Ndileka Mandela
Ambassador / Africa

Lucie Nozizwe
Ambassador / International
Team Feeln on the 5th

Stephen F Ellis
Founder / Director

Jelina Amber Gibson
USA / Production Manager

Captain Higginbotham
Ambassador for FEELn

Ember Skeyez
International / Production Manager