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Sinta-se no dia 5 de 2024
Festival Feeln Brasil 2025

5 DE MARÇO DE 2025

feeln on the 5th
Gold coin 01.png

Bem-vindo ao Feeln no dia 5 de 2024. Enquanto você assiste, se a transmissão parar por qualquer motivo, ATUALIZE SEU NAVEGADOR . Domingo, 15, às 17h EST, encerraremos nossa jornada com o FEELn no dia 5 deste ano e voltaremos no Ano Novo. Junte-se a nós no FEELn na parte 5 no domingo, 15, às 17h EST. Alguns de seus artistas favoritos estarão de volta, junto com outros que você ainda não conheceu. Enquanto isso, junte-se ao nosso chat do fórum e diga o que você gostou. Quem foi seu favorito e quem você gostaria de ver no topo de nossas paradas do FEELn .


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Feelin on the 5th updated logo combo.png

ASSISTA Feeln no dia 5

feeln cinema
PSD Huge Rectangle Urban Black Billboard Mockup With A Night View.png


Abaixo está o nosso player do canal Feeln . Você pode assistir a todo o evento gravado e todos os streams neste player. Você pode comentar sobre os artistas e colaboradores e compartilhar seus pensamentos com a comunidade e o mundo. Reserve um momento para conferir e se acostumar com os controles e então assistir e aproveitar. Lembre-se de que seus comentários sobre qualquer artista ou colaborador os ajudarão a entrar ou subir nas paradas do FEELn , então, por favor, deixe-nos saber o que você pensa sobre o que você está assistindo e comente diretamente no vídeo ou no fórum. No vídeo, verifique o canto superior direito do vídeo para deixar seu comentário e no fórum vá para a categoria FEELn no dia 5 para falar em geral ou para a categoria Chart para dar sua recomendação para seus 3 principais colaboradores.

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Ordem de execução 5 de dezembro

Nana Nevez - Presenter

Ndileka Mandela - Ambassador

Rodrigo De Oliveira - Brazil

Stephen Eagle E Ellis - Founder and Director - UK

Bootsy Collins

Ter Laba - France

Lakesha - Canada

Guo Yue - China

Patti Collins - USA

Freekbass - USA

Fantaazma - USA

Wy Renae King - USA

Natty Dread - Reunion Island

Jane Maria - Ambassador China

Crystal Davis - USA

Tumi -Business Leader and Life coach - SOUTH AFRICA

Wayne Campbell Director - Urban Romance film - UK

Dzeny - Bosnian Pop Star 

Lil Asmar - Bassist - USA

Sagart Fashion - Senagal

Scott Cervine - Award-winning filmmaker - USA

Kei Knowtz - Singer and Songwriter - USA

Madarocka - Rapper, writer, Healer - USA

Andre Ferguson - Award-winning filmmaker - USA

33 Black Frog - Film

Lady Zhe - Violinist and writer - USA

A tribute to Tito Jackson - Tito Jackson and Ayi Jihu interview (exclusive)

Feeln on the 5th

Ordem de execução Dom 15 Dez

INÍCIO 17:00 EST 19:00 Brasil

Nana Nevez - Presente - Brasil

Nana Nevez - estreia mundial do Seu Rastro - Brasil

Rodrigo R'dioh - Cantor, escritor, percussionista - Brasil

Bootsy Collins - A lenda que é -EUA

Myra Washington - 12 Cantora, Compositora - EUA

Funkonaut e Stevie Garcia - Funk - EUA

Lady Kaye - Cantora Compositora - EUA

Guo Yue - Flautista Internacional - China

Ballet Burundi Dance - Tambor e dança tradicionais - Burundi

Coro Nozizwe e Ubuntu - Inspiração sul-africana - República Tcheca

Noel Mckoy - Tributo a uma lenda - Reino Unido

Tito Jackson - Homenagem a uma lenda global

Qadree El Amin - lendário magnata da música

Dekota Blu - Cantora e compositora - EUA

Manny Pemberton - Cantor Compositor - EUA

Groove Army - Tropa de tambores - República Tcheca

Madarocka - Rapper, escritor - EUA, Nigéria

Nós éramos um - Um curta-metragem de Scott Cervine - EUA

Vance Makenzie - Cantor, compositor - Canadá

Embaixador Chefe Toni Tuklan - Nigéria

Jane Maria e Toyin Adekale - Reagge encontra ópera - China, África, Jamaica

Toyin Adekale - Uma homenagem às mulheres em todos os lugares - Reino Unido, Serra Leoa

Sam Driz - Cantor, Compositor - Filipinas

Lil Prince - Cantor, Dançarino - EUA

Stevie Eagle E

Christine Salem - Cantora, compositora, musicista - Ilhas Reunião

O fim.

Junte-se a nós em nosso Fórum abaixo, fale sobre o que você está vendo, dê suas escolhas para os gráficos ou apenas envie-nos um pouco de amor. Envolva-se, você nunca sabe quem estará lá falando com você.

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Ordem de execução Sáb 7 de dez


Nana Nevez - Presente - Brasil

Nozizwe & Ubuntu Choir - Embaixador - República Tcheca

Capitão Higginbotham - Líder, Game Changer - EUA

Michelle Majors - Cantora, compositora

Lil Prince - cantor e performer de 12 anos - EUA

Jerry Bell - Líder da indústria musical, cantor - EUA

Lady Kaye - Cantora Compositora - EUA

Michael Chin - Cineasta de Fé - EUA

Tino Martinez - Saxofonista, escritor - Bermudas

Marie Ava - Artista, Curandeira, Professora - Ilhas Reunião

Maurice Fonson - Cantor Compositor - EUA

Steve Garcia - Multi-instrumentista, escritor, cantor

Labria - coach de saúde e bem-estar


Dekota Blu - Cantora e compositora - EUA

Kei Knowtz - Cantor e Compositor - EUA

Terrie Donald - Atriz, Cantora, Compositora -EUA

Bosnia Express e Dzeny - Suécia

Lian Walker - Atriz, Mágica, Artista Marcial, Dançarina - China

Nozizwe & Ubuntu Choir - República Tcheca

Funkanaut e Stevie Garcia - EUA

Michelle Davis -Cantora, Compositora - EUA

Crystal Davis - Cantora, compositora, filantropa - EUA

GoldCoin the official currency of FEELn on the 5th


Gold coin official currency of FEELn on the 5th
Feelin on the 5th updated logo combo.png

ASSISTA Feeln no dia 5

Feeln on the 5th 2023
Feeln On The 5Th 2023  - Part 1
Feeln On The 5Th 2023 - Part 1
Relive the Magic of the First-Ever FEELn on the 5th LIVE: 2023! Part 1 On this unforgettable day, the world came together for a groundbreaking online celebration that honored the life and legacy of the great Nelson Mandela. Featuring an incredible lineup of legends, stars, artists, speakers, and celebrities from across the globe, this event was a powerful tribute to unity and hope. The show opened with a heartfelt introduction by Mandela’s granddaughter, Ndileka Mandela, setting the tone for an inspiring journey of culture, music, and shared humanity. From electrifying performances to moving speeches, the 2023 Feeln on the 5th was a moment in history that brought people together like never before. FEELn the history. FEELn the legacy. FEELn on the 5th. Are you feeln it?
Feeln On The 5Th 2023 Part - 2
Feeln On The 5Th 2023 Part - 2
Relive the Magic of the First-Ever FEELn on the 5th LIVE: 2023! Part 2 On this unforgettable day, the world came together for a groundbreaking online celebration that honored the life and legacy of the great Nelson Mandela. Featuring an incredible lineup of legends, stars, artists, speakers, and celebrities from across the globe, this event was a powerful tribute to unity and hope. The show opened with a heartfelt introduction by Mandela’s granddaughter, Ndileka Mandela, setting the tone for an inspiring journey of culture, music, and shared humanity. From electrifying performances to moving speeches, the 2023 Feeln on the 5th was a moment in history that brought people together like never before. FEELn the history. FEELn the legacy. FEELn on the 5th. Are you feeln it?
Feeln On The 5Th 2023 - Part 3
Feeln On The 5Th 2023 - Part 3
Relive the Magic of the First-Ever FEELn on the 5th LIVE: 2023! Part 3 On this unforgettable day, the world came together for a groundbreaking online celebration that honored the life and legacy of the great Nelson Mandela. Featuring an incredible lineup of legends, stars, artists, speakers, and celebrities from across the globe, this event was a powerful tribute to unity and hope. The show opened with a heartfelt introduction by Mandela’s granddaughter, Ndileka Mandela, setting the tone for an inspiring journey of culture, music, and shared humanity. From electrifying performances to moving speeches, the 2023 Feeln on the 5th was a moment in history that brought people together like never before. FEELn the history. FEELn the legacy. FEELn on the 5th. Are you feeln it?
Feeln On The 5Th 2023 - Part  4
Feeln On The 5Th 2023 - Part 4
Relive the Magic of the First-Ever FEELn on the 5th LIVE: 2023! Part 4 On this unforgettable day, the world came together for a groundbreaking online celebration that honored the life and legacy of the great Nelson Mandela. Featuring an incredible lineup of legends, stars, artists, speakers, and celebrities from across the globe, this event was a powerful tribute to unity and hope. The show opened with a heartfelt introduction by Mandela’s granddaughter, Ndileka Mandela, setting the tone for an inspiring journey of culture, music, and shared humanity. From electrifying performances to moving speeches, the 2023 Feeln on the 5th was a moment in history that brought people together like never before. FEELn the history. FEELn the legacy. FEELn on the 5th. Are you feeln it?
Feelin on the 5th

ASSISTA Willie Davis Day ao vivo

DOMINGO, 22 de dezembro às 16h PST O evento ao vivo do Willie Davis Day será transmitido pela FEELn no dia 5. Assista no player abaixo.

Willie davis
Ndileka Manela tribute to Willie Davis
Ndileka Manela tribute to Willie Davis
Ndileka Mandela sends a message to Willie Davis day performers, contributors and those watching from South Africa.
Willie Davis Day Live stream
Willie Davis Day Live stream
Sunday 22 Dec 2024 was the 3rd day of the Willie Davis event in LA and was streamed live on Feeln on the 5th
#86 Willie Davis  The Top 100 NFL’s Greatest Players (2010)  NFL Films
#86 Willie Davis The Top 100 NFL’s Greatest Players (2010) NFL Films
Crystal Davis sings
Crystal Davis sings
Singer and Songwriter and brother of the late great legendary NFL player Willie Davis performs one of her songs.
Get your goldcoin here
Código QR de doação do Feeln Festival

Por favor, doe para o FEELn Festival e nos ajude a ajudar outros como Willie Davis Day. Suas contribuições nos ajudam a continuar e também nos ajudam a ajudar comunidades locais e em todo o mundo.

Considere assinar o FEELn no dia 5 e junte-se à nossa incrível comunidade.

Scott Cervine

Conheça o premiado criador de filmes Scott Cervine online

Ndileka Mandela

Uma oportunidade única de conhecer e falar com Ndileka Mandela


Uma oportunidade de se conectar

com a cantora gospel Lakesha


Eles a chamam de Mãe das Nações. Nozizwe é uma artista e embaixadora global

Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais
feeln on the 5th
Funk não é briga - Visite agora!
redes em chamas
captains millionaires
Shlepp Entretenimento Ltda
Rick Payton Rede de Empoderamento
Produções Jah
círculo da humanidade
U4abc Logo.png
Notícias globais em tinta - Notícias um pouco diferentes
Filmes do coração
Labria holistic wellness
Flow city tour
Petrie Magazine
Big songs for little one, no.1 selling kids album
Ember Skeyez
Meet and Greet

Agende um meet and greet com nossas estrelas

Oferecemos à nossa comunidade uma chance de conhecer e cumprimentar alguns dos incríveis artistas e colaboradores do feeln no dia 5. Se você quiser aproveitar essa oportunidade incrível , clique na foto dos artistas ou da pessoa que você gostaria de conhecer online.

Feeln on the 5th intro poster 02 update small 2.jpg
Feeln on the 5th 2024 - PART 1
Feeln on the 5th 2024 - PART 1
FEELn on the 5th LIVE: Unity Funkathon Part 1! Join us for an extraordinary global celebration as legends, stars, artists, speakers, and celebrities unite for a one-of-a-kind online experience you’ll never forget. This electrifying event pays tribute to the life and legacy of the great Nelson Mandela, with a powerful introduction by his granddaughter, Ndileka Mandela. Brace yourself for world-class performances, heartfelt speeches, and awe-inspiring moments that connect cultures and shine a spotlight on unity, love, and hope. Don’t miss your chance to witness this incredible tribute streamed LIVE across the globe. FEELn the energy. FEELn the greatness. FEELn on the 5th. Are you feeln it?
Feeln on the 5th 2024 -  Part 2
Feeln on the 5th 2024 - Part 2
FEELn on the 5th LIVE: Unity Funkathon Part 2! Join us for an extraordinary global celebration as legends, stars, artists, speakers, and celebrities unite for a one-of-a-kind online experience you’ll never forget. This electrifying event pays tribute to the life and legacy of the great Nelson Mandela, with a powerful introduction by his granddaughter, Ndileka Mandela. Brace yourself for world-class performances, heartfelt speeches, and awe-inspiring moments that connect cultures and shine a spotlight on unity, love, and hope. Don’t miss your chance to witness this incredible tribute streamed LIVE across the globe. FEELn the energy. FEELn the greatness. FEELn on the 5th. Are you feeln it?
Feeln on the 5th 2024 - PART 3
Feeln on the 5th 2024 - PART 3
FEELn on the 5th LIVE: Unity Funkathon Part 3! Join us for an extraordinary global celebration as legends, stars, artists, speakers, and celebrities unite for a one-of-a-kind online experience you’ll never forget. This electrifying event pays tribute to the life and legacy of the great Nelson Mandela, with a powerful introduction by his granddaughter, Ndileka Mandela. Brace yourself for world-class performances, heartfelt speeches, and awe-inspiring moments that connect cultures and shine a spotlight on unity, love, and hope. Don’t miss your chance to witness this incredible tribute streamed LIVE across the globe. FEELn the energy. FEELn the greatness. FEELn on the 5th. Are you feeln it?
Feeln on the 5th 2024 - PART 4
Feeln on the 5th 2024 - PART 4
FEELn on the 5th LIVE: Unity Funkathon Part 4! Join us for an extraordinary global celebration as legends, stars, artists, speakers, and celebrities unite for a one-of-a-kind online experience you’ll never forget. This electrifying event pays tribute to the life and legacy of the great Nelson Mandela, with a powerful introduction by his granddaughter, Ndileka Mandela. Brace yourself for world-class performances, heartfelt speeches, and awe-inspiring moments that connect cultures and shine a spotlight on unity, love, and hope. Don’t miss your chance to witness this incredible tribute streamed LIVE across the globe. FEELn the energy. FEELn the greatness. FEELn on the 5th. Are you feeln it?

Sua chance de conhecer a estrela pop bósnia Dzeny

Marie AVA

A abordagem única de Marie Ava à arte e à educação está mudando vidas

Michael Chin

O jovem cineasta Michael Chin já fez três longas-metragens de sucesso.

La bria

A cura do corpo e da mente é a chave para o sucesso da La Brias

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